Yashodhara is a Therapist & Coach for Couples and Individuals. She is an IIM Bangalore graduate with almost two decades of corporate leadership experience. Since 2019, she has partnered with hundreds of people on their journey to wellbeing.
She has also authored 10 books, the latest of which 'And How Do You Feel About That' demystifies therapy in India. Her next book is 'What They Don't Tell You About Marriage' (Penguin, 2026). Her fiction/memoir works include the bestselling ‘Just Married, Please Excuse’ (2012) and ‘How I Became a Farmer’s Wife’ (2018). Yashodhara is also a TedX speaker, a certified Yoga teacher, fitness instructor and lover of music and dance. Most of all, she loves helping people heal and live their most authentic and vibrant lives.
Yashodhara is a Certified Transactional Analyst and Diploma holder in TA; she is also certified in the internationally recognized Erickson Solution Focussed Coaching; and has trained as a Couples Therapist by the Couples Institute, USA.

Group Sessions and Public Speaking
Yashodhara runs sessions and workshops on the topics of wellbeing and living to your full potential. She has also spoken on many other topics such as writing and living with passion at various large institutions, companies and public events.
Write to contactallsomeness@gmail.com to explore a custom-designed session fit for your organization.
Watch Yashodhara's TedX talk on the idea of exploring all that you love, to become the fullest you.
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What Clients Have Said
I knew I needed help. I was restless, dissatisfied and feeling lost despite having a "steady" job and personal "life. I always thought "coaching" was curated for high-pressure CEO-responsibility-type professionals and "therapists" for those who were having a "much harder" time dealing with life than I was. My experience with Yash debunked my non-inclusive ideas. I am so glad I reached out to her when I did. She was comfortable to converse with, non-judgemental and yet absolutely straightforward and honest. I have eagerly looked forward to each of our sessions. Yash has made me question the obvious, reevaluate long standing assumptions, shake some fundamental beliefs and yet left me feeling good about myself. As someone who prides on being rational, being made aware of the "hows" and "whys" of my thought process & decision making approach was an enlightening experience. Some of our sessions had a almost magical quality where at the start of our session, my brain resembled a messy gigantic jigsaw with pieces scattered all over. One hour of conversing with Yash would lead those pieces to position themselves into a coherent picture often giving me worthy goals to pursue. Our sessions were one of my favourite highlights of 2020! Thank you. :)
Devika N, 35, Corporate Professional
I never thought I would get myself a coach, at least not at this point of time in my life. But my serendipitous encounter with Yash meant that I finally had to chance to experience what it meant to receive coaching. I jumped at the opportunity - and I still thank my stars for crossing paths with her. I was at a particularly difficult crossroad in my life, both personally and professionally, when I started with my sessions with her. What I truly admire about Yash is her ability to listen deeply with empathy, make one feel fully at ease and create a safe space for one to be completely vulnerable. I didn't think it was possible for me to share some parts of myself to anyone. But Yash helped me to do that and in the process, helped me overcome some of the most difficult personal challenges, negative beliefs and strong insecurities. Not only did our conversations help me immediately improve my work productivity, but they also helped me find more happiness and fulfilment in my personal life.I would strongly recommend her to anyone who is looking for a good coach or therapist to navigate the ups and downs of the modern work-life.
Sanjay D, 28, Training Manager
I was suddenly assigned an entire trading desk of ten analysts to head. I had never managed more than 1-2 before this. I also had just taken on a huge coding project that needed months to be done within few weeks . AlI while moving a city for this opportunity.There were so many things to figure out, technical issues to solve, and team spirit to cultivate. Not to mention my career and life priorities to be balanced.I’ve stumbled through changes like this in the past, but this time I took sessions with Yashodhara, and the results just speak for themselves.Yashodhara is a phenomenal coach that has this unique ability to listen to you and help you identify your priorities. She helps you create not just a systematic plan to tackle everything, but generate the energy and spirit to do so with. I leave every session with two important things - clarity on issues, and energy to tackle them. I always end up following through. I recommend her to anybody who wants to reach newer levels in their lives, both professional and personal.
Amit C, 31, Financial Trading Professional
I signed up for therapy with Yashodhara and it has been a truly magical journey of self discovery!
I desperately needed to fix my anxiety issues as I saw it was affecting my performance at work and my general levels of happiness.Like Hanuman we all need someone to remind us of our talents at some point. In this case Yash did nothing like reminding , she just nudged me to find my own inner voice that was hidden under layers of insecurity, criticism and bullying by my critical voice. I can't thank my stars enough for having met Yash at the right time so I could discover this most obvious truth that was blurred yet right in front of my eyes. I have slowly realised and acknowledged the role of my critical inner voice for creating a false view of my achievements and in the process I am discovering my child-like true inner voice that was lost somewhere in the journey called life.
Yash: I'm so glad that you decided to follow your heart and become a therapist - instead of a CEO!
Smitha N, 34, Management Consultant
I wasn’t one to believe in destiny but coming across Yashodhara when I did, changed that. In early 2019 I was going through a decent sized life crisis. I was struggling not just on the professional front (with trying to figure out my next step) but also on the personal one. I had never really understood the reasoning behind why one engages in therapy. But that again changed 10 mins into my first session with her. Her biggest asset is her ability to understand an individual at so many different levels. This isn’t something that can’t be taught. She’s been able to provide me with clarity of thought on a lot of different subject matters. This is something I’d tried working on for over a decade but its only after meeting her that I finally succeeded. Just the way she patiently listens and does the hand holding while we together gain clarity is fantastic. Thanks to her things haven’t looked this good both in the professional and personal sphere in a very long time. It has been one of the most defining interactions of my life so far. Besides being excellent at what she does she is also an incredibly amazing person. I can’t thank Yashodhara enough for all that she’s done for me. I wish her all the best in her endeavors and most strongly recommend her to one and all.
Rahul M, 36, Equity Trader/ Business Manager
For me, it was providence that I ran into Yash when I did. I have always been a Type A personality, someone who worked very hard daily to achieve the elusive work-life balance. Successful and productive at work for the last 25 years, I continuously dealt with the “guilt” of a working mother but my greatest achievement was that I had managed to put in boundaries that allowed me time with my children.When I met Yash, I was just recovering from a life altering health issue and was grappling with having to give up on my career that I had built over the years. I was not only dealing with “not-so-great” health but also the added guilt of letting my family and co-workers down. Quite honestly, I was at a crossroad and was feeling lost. The ease of conversations with Yash helped me recognize my own demons, I found myself talking to her openly about issues that I had not discussed openly. Her empathy and non-judgmental attitude helped me overcome some big challenges (personally and professionally) and put me on the path of self-discovery. Never once did I see Yash as a “life coach” or ''psychotherapist'' - she has a friendly and straight forward demeanor that instantly drew me to her. She tells it exactly as it is :)Yash – I am so happy I met you when I did. You are an inspiration. I would happily and honestly recommend you to anyone looking for a coach to help them navigate their work or just life!
Yashodhara is a force of nature - she is action oriented, and uses thought-provoking frameworks for her coaching sessions. These frameworks were very useful in bringing structure and clarity to my thought process - and helped me figure out a specific course of action. There are times when you need someone to guide you on clearing through the mental fog, and I think Yashodhara is one of the best to help you through that.
Sweta P, 35, Assistant Director